Wednesday, July 27, 2011

I Go On Seeking You by Rahul

As your words wink on my canvas ,

This dancing breeze touches me ,

Singing your song to my mind,

I go on seeking you in every blow of wind.

When the buds start to blossom ,

With the touch of the rising sun ,

I go on seeking you in the fragrance of flowers.

When the setting sun opens its golden red lips ,

To be lost in the embrace of ocean ,

Web of dreams sprouts in my mind ,

I go on seeking you on the bed of my dreams.

When the butterfly merges with the flower ,

With showering the kisses of warmth ,

Your spark is felt in my heart with raising waves ,

I go on seeking you in each pulse of my heart.

When the sweet note of the flute ,

Leaves its sign of love for somebody ,

I go on seeking you in the every beat of my music.

Breaking the silence of night ,

When the clouds pour its rain ,

I go on seeking you in each drop of rain.

When the morning dew bewails for its beloved earth ,

Spreading the carpet of silver pearls ,

I go on seeking you in each drop of my tears.

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