Friday, July 29, 2011
Oh My Blue Colored One by Rahul.
If I Am A Poet by Rahul
If I am a poet ,
Then your beauty is the book of unending pages .
Your oceanic eyes are the ornamental words,
That embodied in it,
And that ink of nectar juices ,
That pour from your streaming lips .
My heart collects them in the arms of my love,
To write in the fingers of joy.
Your Image by Rahul
When I look to your image ….
You shower in my gloomy sky with the spark of golden flowers.
You smile in my thirsty mind with the glistening diamonds of singing stream.
You touch my dying desire with the mesmerizing magic of eternal bliss.
You capture my wandering soul with the growing wings of butterfly.
You make me fly now from flower to flower to see your beautiful face.
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
In Your Presence by Rahul
In your presence,
The rainbow emerges in my sky,
Where I find the color of your beauty.
The twinkle golden flowers dance in blossoming way,
Where your blinking look spellbinds all over.
The moon opens its heart for the night lotus,
When you undulate your enthralling face.
When you open your streaming luscious lips,
The lunatic sun kisses the earth in golden orange dress.
And that alluding smile yours,
Springs my unfading love for you .
Now I am your shadow embedding you in my heart,
Without you I am no where .
Because Of You by Rahul
When I ask my heart
That for whom it beats
It drums only for you
When I ask my eyes
That for whom it opens
It sees only you in it
When I ask my ears
That what it hears
It listens only your sweet voice
When I ask my lips
That what it utters
It chants only your name
When I ask my mind
That for whom it think
It always dream of you
When I ask my soul
That how it lives
It keeps you in it forever.
The Mystifying Eyes by Rahul
Oh the mystifying eyes
Embellishing on that angelic face
Emitting the mesmerizing rays
That spark inside my heart
Making me drifted away to paradise
To see that ethereal beauty of truth.
As those eyes blink a little
Million flowers bloom in desert
Spring comes in bridal smile
The breeze serenades in its alluring way
As the night sky adorned with golden flowers
And the whispering voice starts to say
The angel of heaven lands on earth.
When I First Met You by Rahul
When I first met you,
My heart felt you as ….
A blooming red rose in the paradise;
A poet’s emerging dream;
A shining star with brilliant hue ,
A jumping deer in the forest;
A mesmerizing moonlit night;
A sweet alluring melody,
A candle burning in my dark bed room.
When I first met you
My mind said to me
As you are like...
The beauty of the embracing dawn;
The Warmth of winter sunshine;
The enchanting note from the flute;
The colors of rainbow adorning the blue sky,
The singing swinging damsel in classic style,
The undulating waves in ocean touching the shore;
The cool fragrant soothing wind entering the window.
The heart touching words of a baby
The pure sweet smile of a baby,
The emollient fondle of a baby
The dancing peacock in amorous way;
The emblazing silver crown on mountain top;
The fairy tale princess of fairy land;
The melting of sandalwood spreading the fragrance;
The beautiful ornaments of beauty;
The sowing pearls of morning dues,
The bewildering feeling of intoxication.
And a beholding ocean of precious jewels
I am now dipped in this ocean
To collect those jewels
Making my love immortal.
The Loneliness by Rahul
When the sky cries in the lightning eyes ,
The cloud showers the tears of rain ,
The blowing wind rushes with thundering sound ,
My mind seeks you in thirsty eyes.
As the flowers being separated from plants ,
The leaves look in broken heart ,
The garden loses all its treasure ,
My dreams become faded away without your color.
When the sea bursts out with swollen waves ,
The sand bewails for its melting foot prints ,
And the ship does not find its shore ,
The pounding heart mourns silently for you.
As the child slips his father’s hand in the crowd ,
The fare becomes dull with broken stalls ,
The road is dark without light ,
And I am so lonely without you.
I Go On Seeking You by Rahul
As your words wink on my canvas ,
This dancing breeze touches me ,
Singing your song to my mind,
I go on seeking you in every blow of wind.
When the buds start to blossom ,
With the touch of the rising sun ,
I go on seeking you in the fragrance of flowers.
When the setting sun opens its golden red lips ,
To be lost in the embrace of ocean ,
Web of dreams sprouts in my mind ,
I go on seeking you on the bed of my dreams.
When the butterfly merges with the flower ,
With showering the kisses of warmth ,
Your spark is felt in my heart with raising waves ,
I go on seeking you in each pulse of my heart.
When the sweet note of the flute ,
Leaves its sign of love for somebody ,
I go on seeking you in the every beat of my music.
Breaking the silence of night ,
When the clouds pour its rain ,
I go on seeking you in each drop of rain.
When the morning dew bewails for its beloved earth ,
Spreading the carpet of silver pearls ,
I go on seeking you in each drop of my tears.
The Surreal Words by Rahul
Your words bring me the fairy tale dreams of mystic wonder.
I dance with you on the wings of silver clouds
As you undulates your scintillating body.
I drench myself in the golden fountains
As the glow emits from your ogling eyes.
I blossom the array of unfading roses
As you entangle me in your loving arms.
I weave the net of ethereal bond
As your kisses emblem your name on the petals of my heart .
The bridal evening unveils its screen of shyness
As your smile paints its exotic color on the walls of mind .
I sow the seeds of plants of romance that sprout gushingly
As your warming breath makes me swollen.
The night becomes adorned with golden attire of kindling tampers
As you appear in my dark bed room .
I go on collecting the burning jewels of joy
Being floated on golden waves
As my body and mind go on merging with you completelyThe Awakening by Rahul
Your flashing image awakens my soul
As the sun awakens the day.
A spark from your face ,
And my life becomes charged with delight.
It seems the waves raise in my heart ,
To touch your shore.
Your look arouses my senses,
As the moon arouses the night.
Hold me with your magical spell ,
As all my pains go away without fail.
Your heart endures all emotion,
As the sky endures all the stars.
Cover me with your spreading fragrance,
To make our relation an unfading flower.
Your Magic by Rahul
When your face blinks in mind
What a magic happens !
A dumb one speaks eloquently in a blushing way
The dormant heart starts beating happily
The night sky embellished with golden attire
The moonlit magic alludes to sing the song of love
And to make every dream of romance comes true.
Sweet feelings start spring in someone's mind
The mind paints you in color of roses ,
The fingers write those words of warmth dedicated to you .
In silent look these eyes seek you in its fairy land
To be lost in your enthralling touch .
The Mesmerising Angel by Rahul
A blue crystalline beholding sea of jewels ,
With singing and dancing waves ,
Extending its hands of dazzling diamonds ,
Spreading the velvet golden bed.
That is the beauty of the mesmerising angel ,
Beautifying the earth in its mystifying charm ,
Whose spell of magic is felt by heart ,
With an endless edge with unending joy ,
When it is not touched with sordid hands ,
But to be adored with caring mind and loving heart.
In Your Appearance by Rahul
I want to walk on the bed of silver clouds
To be adorned with glazing silver dress
And to float above the mountain and sea
Enjoying the beauty of enchanting nature.
I want to color my dreams in the moonlit night
Being sparkled with the golden rays
And dancing and embracing being merged in delight
As every dream of romance comes true.
I want to be soaked by the heart-capturing waves
Tossing and turning with the electrifying pull
Sometimes up and sometimes down as a craving one
Cooling down my rushing veins under its magic.
I want to talk to the open wind
As its blow of beauty touches me unseeingly
Making me unveiled with body and soul
To grasp the unfolding and ethereal beauty of creation.
But in your appearance
When I look to your enthralling eyes
And when you open your idyllic lips with smile
All the above dreams seem to be complete with ecstasyThe Calling Of Eyes by Rahul
Yours agile eyes are the message of love
That comes from the unknown immortal light
And a blaze upon creation’s quivering edge
The dawn builds her aura of magnificent hues
And buried its seed of grandeur in my heart.
Your luminous smile kindles to free the silence of happiness
And makes a vibrant link between earth and heaven.
The call of your eyes that wakes the leap of painful mind
Its chequered eager motion of pursuit
It’s fluttering hued illusion of desire
Visited my heart like a sweet alien note.
And its passion flower of love you gave
It murmurs at its sorrowless happiness.
A part of you has grown in me
And it is you and me a complete one
And unbroken forever and never apart
Maybe in distance but never by heart.
When The Winter Falls by Rahul
When the winter falls with its wings
Somebody’s voice floats with its enthralling way
So sweet like a silver tune
Jingling in the dancing wind
And the trees become laden with silver crown
When the mountain spreads its white carpet
And the garden of roses become so glowing
When her lips open with a charming smile.
The mind becomes drifted away
With warm and wonderful feelings
As the image of her emerges in my cold mind.
Waves of happiness play its magic in my heart
As her eyes pour drops of beholding gems on my desert land.
Silently winter flowers touch my cheeks,
Break up my thoughts of unhappiness
Flowing the flakes of joy and rapture
As her embracing hands spread the heal upon me
And the exulting wind whispers my ears
That she is here, with me and forever …
A sweet person as you are
That nobody can make me happy
The way you make always.
I see U and feel U by Rahul
I see u and feel you
In the soothing soft ray of dawn
In the bridal lips of dusk
I see u and feel u
In the song of the mating bird
In the tune of the flute of sylvan solitude
I see u and feel u
In the springing words of your pen
In the pearl drops of the winter dews on the petals
I see u and feel u
I the blossoming flowers of spring
In the spreading fragrance of singing wind
I see u and feel u
In the morning amble around promenade
In the courtyard laced with lily pool
I feel u and see u
In the buzzing bees and humming bird
In the rambling kissing of butterfly
I feel u and see u
In the raving landscape of countryside
In the ravishing color of rainbow
I feel u and see u
In the frantic waves of the sea
In the wide bed of deep azure sky
I feel u and see u
In the loneliness of night
In the falling of leaves from the night tree
I feel u and see u
In the blinking eyes of the stars of night sky
In the sprinkling loving beams of moonlit sky
I feel u and see u
In the snow covered
In the white blanket of winter trees
I feel u and see u
In the each step of life
In the other side of world.
Blue Mermaid by Rahul
Oh blue mermaid
Of the blue ocean
Creating that blue waves in my heart
Making me mesmerized with your blue dream
As my mind intones of your blue beauty
Oh blue rose
Of the blue garden
Blooming all blue roses in my empty vessel
Spreading that sweet fragrance in my mind
And all my senses becomes tranced by your blue magic
Oh blue beam
Of that blue eyes
Melting me with your blue blaze
Giving me that eternal joy
And my mind starts yearning for you
Oh blue angel
Of that blue heaven
Landing your steps on my world
Removing all the roots of sorrows
And sowing the seeds of happiness
Making my breath, body and mind vivid
When youth back into life
And a smile back on the lips .
Oh my blue beauty with blue eyes
Brace me with your blue love
Drench me with your blue feelings
Charge me with your blue current
And unite me with your blue soul for ever
To make my love immortal for you.
The luscious pairs by Rahul
Some magic casts its spell from that luscious pairs
A valley of enchanting passion peaked up with pink buds
Where siesta wakes up in a shambling way
As the dream spreads its charming bed
And somebody becomes eager to unite with someone
And the two lips draw together the colors of rainbow.
Some magic casts its spell from that luscious pairs
Where the moon comes to see the night flower
Where river impatiently tempts to mingle with sea
And the sky kisses the earth in a surreal mood
The flute finds its favorite tune
With the dance merges in its real rhythm.
Some magic casts its spell from that luscious pairs
Where two eyes goes into a tranced form
And find the place being wanted since long
The music gets its lost note
And the singer sings a serenading song
With the rain touches the dry thirsty earth
Some magic casts its spell from that luscious pairs
Where waves of ocean rushes to meet the shore
The wind carries somebody’s message
The bee runs for its waiting flower
And the two pigeon in an entwined state
Where two souls bonds the knot for ever.
Her coming by Rahul
Someone comes to my garden of life
With her first tender magical touch
Sowing the seeds of bliss and joy
And casting the spell over the gloom to make it vibrant blaze ,
When nature welcomes her with its undulating arms of rapture.
The goddess of spring inundates in dancing steps
And slowly showers the petals of roses
At the serenading song of the oceanic wave ,
When the wind spreads the message of her presence ,
Carrying the floral fragrance from her idyllic face.
As the sun flower simpers in a torrid mood at the winking of her bridal eyes.
The dream of autumn comes to its reality of joy,
And the rain sways by spreading its unbridle rhythm.
Her coming seems as if an angel lands on earth .
Glittering in the carven chariot with its fretted wheels.
And it appears as the gardens hung in the sapphire of skies,
And enthralling dream spreads from gilded dusk to argent dawn
Where jewel-lamps flickers on golden walls of inamorato sky
As the tardy night sparkles with brilliant hues.
Dimly she glides before the eyes of thirsty mind
To capture the gloomy grief between the banks of sleep
And to flow the imperial spaces of eternal joy.
When the breeze dances in its stirred grass lands,
And the low sweet inarticulate voice of the earth
In the great ardour of her sun kissed trance,
When the eager mind is sozzled with ecstasy.
Your Beauty by Rahul
As the fervent flighty dream winks in my mind ,
The wings of love grows in the petals of heart,
When I go on seeing that how it happens ,
Then I find your enthralling eyes capture my heart .
As the sweet feelings start soaking the thirsty mind,
With the words of love fall from the silent lips,
And when I go on seeking that how it comes,
Then I find your mesmerizing smile spellbinds me.
As the deserted land transforms into a beautiful oasis,
The trees of love grows in embellishing flowers,
And when I go on asking that how it happens,
Then I find your image being imprinted in my eyes.