Friday, August 28, 2015

Discovering The Soul---- By Rahul.
This wandering mind was so thirsty and drifted in aimless goal
Always being drowned in the ocean of desires for the rapturous tranquility
But the magical rays of your blue eyes satiates me in the drinks of bliss
So God exists as I discovered you in his land of endless joy.

The mist was there to lay a screen of smoke to find everything unclear
In the swarming solitude the heart was seeking its mate
The light of rejoice embraced me in the charm of your beauty
So God exists as I discovered you in his land of endless joy .

The fear was there making the friendship with unrest mind
As the time was playing the crustal role for taking away all
Now the wings of your wonder glide me to reach the seven heavens
So God exists as I discovered you in his land of endless joy.

The journey was there on the thorn of fate’s play
Beholding the one for whom life was awaited
The voyage comes to end as I see you in the beauty of eternity
So God exists as I discovered you in his land of endless joy.

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