Friday, August 28, 2015

Discovering The Soul---- By Rahul.
This wandering mind was so thirsty and drifted in aimless goal
Always being drowned in the ocean of desires for the rapturous tranquility
But the magical rays of your blue eyes satiates me in the drinks of bliss
So God exists as I discovered you in his land of endless joy.

The mist was there to lay a screen of smoke to find everything unclear
In the swarming solitude the heart was seeking its mate
The light of rejoice embraced me in the charm of your beauty
So God exists as I discovered you in his land of endless joy .

The fear was there making the friendship with unrest mind
As the time was playing the crustal role for taking away all
Now the wings of your wonder glide me to reach the seven heavens
So God exists as I discovered you in his land of endless joy.

The journey was there on the thorn of fate’s play
Beholding the one for whom life was awaited
The voyage comes to end as I see you in the beauty of eternity
So God exists as I discovered you in his land of endless joy.
    Our Bond- By Rahul

Falling in love with you 
Leads me to merge in the endless beauty, calm and pure.
After discovering you,
In the seeking senses of my unquenched soul.
Your presence unveiled  my buried energy of divinity,
And opened all the gates to reach the heaven of beauty and bliss.                                                                                                                                                                                                       
I  remembered as my soul felt the  things  in previous birth ,
That once I committed to you on the dreamland of youth and joy,
To be entangled with you in the intensity of that enrapturing energy,
Also it was to go with you to the Milky way of magnificent vastness,
In the presence of the witnessing bridal nature,
Holding your hand and walking side by side,
To pluck the starry flowers from the trees of paradise,
And to adorn your tress with the golden garland of splendor,
Then to ask the moon to flash your agile beauty in its beaming beams.
That past memories of unforgotten green delight,
In a world of you and me and our undetached union,
When spring and summer embraced each other,
In indolent and soft delicate touches,
And the pale stream rushed like glimmering thread of pearl,
When a whisper of rapture was there among the happy leaves,
And the cool scented breezes capered among the smiling flowers,

As I found you and me in the earth’s womb,                                               

And being connected to you since then with ageless eternal bond..

Saturday, August 22, 2015


The past grows a tree to embrace the memories to dwell.
And the approaching time welcomes the dreams,
Where the hopes and desires bloom their unlimited flowers, 
As the life sleeps on the pillow of past,
And awakes in the call of future,
To make the present a silky velvet bed.
The soul finds its omniscient mate of bejeweled throne,
Who lives in past memories igniting the present,
To be the breathing treasure in the future.
When your image stops the irresistible soul,
That constantly moves in its cyclic journey,
Then the thirst of wandering mind is quenched forever,
Just as all colors merge to get its source black,
So all forms of desires disappear into your charm,
That is the invisible force of all devouring ages.
The thoughts of consciousness bespeak the lines of love,
 Being clad in your agile primordial warmth,
And free from all coverings of illusions and unhappiness,
Finding eternity in oneness overcoming the gulping time,

Where only stays the moments of love of colorful seasons.
      THE EYES OF HOPE--- By Rahul

When the darkness haunts in its cruel net
Sign of no path becomes invisible
The wavy sadness engulfs me on the ocean of life
I hear the sweet tune of a flute floats from far across

A light emits slowly in its array of charm
That blue eyes pierce its enchanting rays on my gloomy mind
And those lips spread its magical tune touching my frazzled mind
I see the road of hope when that enthralling image flashes dearly

That turmoil waves vanishes with the furious wind
I go on catching myself in the captivation of that wonderful image
The life boat goes on floating to reach the shore of joy

When my soul becomes confined in that blue eyes to explore the eternal bliss.