Sunday, September 12, 2021

  The Divine Play ----

Forgetting all the worldly charm and pleasure,
Being away from all the loved ones,
Rushing and running from hundreds miles,
Without caring the lashes from the forces,
These millions devotees today find their destination path.
Lamenting since the infinite ages for their desired master,
Yearning for the final meeting in the life time,
To satiate the thirsty soul with the divine nectar,
That showers from His mystical round eyes.
Beholding only one desire in the longing mind,
Leaving all the earning assets way behind,
The psyche seeks seer merging with those enchanting eyes,
Where all the creations find their emanating home,
As all His conceptions have that form.
The blue beauty with endless charm would come,
To perform the divine play with all the craving creatures,
Who are bonded with their melting emotions and devoted love,
When His mesmerizing glance in the magical and sibylline way,
Would take away all the grief that suffocates the suffering souls.
The day of union once in a year in the exotic Lord’s kingdom ,
And time to be bewitched in those enthralling eyes ,
And to be lost forever in the superlative current for divine joy,
Being inebriated and intoxicated in the Lord Jagannath’s rapturous romance,
As it is the ultimate wish for every human being.
The master shows His original manifest of the joyful color,
When joy is His only identity and all are made from this flower,
As all the mortals follow that flavour and happiness all the time by nature.
The inimitable and empyreal feelings make all entranced and enraptured,
As if all are in the land of heaven and land of endless joy,
When the lord comes and engages all in His divine play,
As it is the only land of beauty, joy, truth and eternity,
When He wished to stay here manifesting as human being,
And to play His ethereal act with all his beings.
He began His world of entities from this land of Blue Ocean,
To fill the love and bliss in every human heart,
Enriching all to spread this precious virtue among the human race,
With enticing all to merge in His divine play with no discrimination and difference,
As all are created from His supreme wish of magnificence.

..On the occasion of Car Fesival ( Rath Yatra )...

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