Sunday, September 12, 2021

     ---The current of happiness--

 The wild whisper wind sings the song of divinity

The night sky opens its wonders of vastness

All the glowing brighter circles show their power of eternity
They wink and blink to guide in the endless journey of darkness
As if some luminous beings show the right path in the society.
The mind becomes wider and deeper in the center of calmness
More and more blazing circles appear on the orbit of immenseness
When thoughts come to a point of concentration
The awakening inner mind releases its unsolved imagination
About the creator of those countless energetic circles
Being the mightiest and amaranthine one.
The answer flashes on the screen of the inner soul
That the enchanting alluring circular eyes of Lord Jagannath
Which behold all such wondrous creation.


The rose of love in unfading way,
Speaks of its ambrosial and mystical joy.
The love comes to all with a pleasant force,
But nobody knows its shape and source.
Love is the smile of a baby with endless charm,
Or jumping to mother’s embracing arms.
Love is the mother’s acceptance of kicks in bliss,
While feeding the baby with an adoring kiss.
Love is the pray for others in mosque, church or temple,
And the helping hands of a friend to a friend in trouble.
The selfless service for mankind with a smile,
Or sensing the soul being lost in nature’s beauty for a while.
The dancing dawn of magnificent hues,
That comes from the immortal light of vast blues,
Or the rapturous greetings of the setting sun,
Builds on earth, its grandeur love with endless fun.
The crowning head of the Himalaya for touching sky,
Never forgets to behold the symbol of love in its fly,
Munificently bow itself becoming the Ganga river,
That takes its role to serve all as a loving mother.
The selfless devotion of Radha from her surrendering soul,
In a constant attraction for Krishna as her unconditional goal,
Or the transformed saints into Gopis form in divine joyful play,
And merging of Meera in oneness with Shyam in her besotted pray.
She is not herself now as being entwined with Shyam in love,
Everything in her eyes now seems to be the cast of love and love,
‘The sea, mountains, the aura, myself (Meera) and my acts have become love,
Because You are love the Divine Joy (Raasa) and I am born from you with love’.
When Lord Jagannath leaves His throne to Embrace us All,(Raasa Leela)
In His kind eyes, steals our sorrowful tears before that fall,
And blossoms in our soaked lips with a smile of happiness,
Filling all our heart with endless love of sweetness.
The transcendent flavour of the rose from the merciful ocean,
Being embodied as the nature of the Supreme of all creation,
Sows its seeds of ultimate divine bliss in our heart’s cave,
To bloom agelessly in different colours of love.

 THE GREEN BOOTS ---------

Walking on the clouds on the way to climb the summit,
With the Green Boots that you bought for me,
Step after step, move forward guided by your immense love.
The ephemeral flakes of the clouds over the peaks portray elusive images,
Presenting the miraculous mirth on the snow mountain,
The inkling of the sun makes the melting mist in timorous face,
And the rainbow in its smile, showers prismatic jewels over the white bedspread.
The white damsels stretch their welcoming hands in demure demeanor,
When I see you in the middle in brilliant attire with splendorous look,
The scented savor of the blooming trees of the lower mountains,
That carried in the touching wild wind from far distance,
Reminds me secretly your unbridled hairs wrapping over my face,
And my mind filled with joy, inspires the legs to climb further.
When the nature unveils its untamed beauty being close to heart,
Your words flash in mind as The beauty is experienced in nature and in soul,
But not in manmade structural form or in bodily shape,
That dwindles in time but true beauty sings its immortal song in eternity’s touch.
The serenading song of the dancing mist in the lips of the mountain,
Makes my chilling heart filled with blazing warmth,
When playful sun decorates the virgin peaks in golden and orange caparison,
My uplifting soul feels you and captures the majestic beauty in your eyes.
The remembering mind makes the heart soaked in yearning,
The submerged sweet words arise under the layers of mind,
The loving promise I made to you in that full moon night,
To pluck the moon from the sky as a gift for you.
The dawn decors itself as the moon returns back,
A sudden splendor emerges in mystical, mythical and magical way,
On the white ocean with the standing white angels in circle,
As if in meditative gaze to The sleeping God on the snow bed in smiling slumber.
A marvelous blaze looked down from ecstasy’s sky,
Signaled as if my arrival on worlds of deathless bliss, master’s home,
The footfalls of the returning summiteers faded away,
A happy back home with winning flag to their beloved’s waiting arms.
My steps stopped to move further with the eyes to close forever,
And behind the darkness of the closed eyes,
Manifested at once an immense flash of light to inner gaze,
When soul released itself from the motionless perching body.
Being assured by the inner sense as this is the heaven,
The soul enunciated me of inner journey of meeting myself,
And the mountain opened its hidden treasure of Elysian land,
When the supernal sense knocked the inner door of heaven.
In flaming beats of an undying love,
Invading the absolute joy in domain of cosmic rapturous revelry,
With scenes of sweetness and serene calm that can never fade,
Wait with a moon studded home, a gift for you,
When you would return after living your blissful span.

  The Divine Play ----

Forgetting all the worldly charm and pleasure,
Being away from all the loved ones,
Rushing and running from hundreds miles,
Without caring the lashes from the forces,
These millions devotees today find their destination path.
Lamenting since the infinite ages for their desired master,
Yearning for the final meeting in the life time,
To satiate the thirsty soul with the divine nectar,
That showers from His mystical round eyes.
Beholding only one desire in the longing mind,
Leaving all the earning assets way behind,
The psyche seeks seer merging with those enchanting eyes,
Where all the creations find their emanating home,
As all His conceptions have that form.
The blue beauty with endless charm would come,
To perform the divine play with all the craving creatures,
Who are bonded with their melting emotions and devoted love,
When His mesmerizing glance in the magical and sibylline way,
Would take away all the grief that suffocates the suffering souls.
The day of union once in a year in the exotic Lord’s kingdom ,
And time to be bewitched in those enthralling eyes ,
And to be lost forever in the superlative current for divine joy,
Being inebriated and intoxicated in the Lord Jagannath’s rapturous romance,
As it is the ultimate wish for every human being.
The master shows His original manifest of the joyful color,
When joy is His only identity and all are made from this flower,
As all the mortals follow that flavour and happiness all the time by nature.
The inimitable and empyreal feelings make all entranced and enraptured,
As if all are in the land of heaven and land of endless joy,
When the lord comes and engages all in His divine play,
As it is the only land of beauty, joy, truth and eternity,
When He wished to stay here manifesting as human being,
And to play His ethereal act with all his beings.
He began His world of entities from this land of Blue Ocean,
To fill the love and bliss in every human heart,
Enriching all to spread this precious virtue among the human race,
With enticing all to merge in His divine play with no discrimination and difference,
As all are created from His supreme wish of magnificence.

..On the occasion of Car Fesival ( Rath Yatra )...


The empty heart seeks that emerald jewel,
The only pristine and agile treasure,
With the blossoming charm of endless flavour,
Once you gifted it from your divine chamber.
It was the passionate play of the ignorant youth,
The pretentious invite of the beauteous desire,
Losing the gifted gem in the seditious smile,
And never knew about the last period coming so near.
Heaps of sand dune in the cover of unreal pleasure,
That dwindle in the blow of stormy pressure,
With a lifeless mind of burning scars,
Filling inside with its sorrowful tears.
The day of your grand and glorious union to embrace all,
Who come so far to have your glimpse in the final call,
And to touch that ropes of your adoring arms,
Being caught in your conjuring charm.
The bliss and joy shower in the yelling prays,
As the eyes merge in your magical eyes,
The mind surrenders in the unconditional way,
And the lost light of love reappears being charged in your ray.


Every street, every path, the presence is everywhere,
Gone is that amorous play of rising sun and unblemished nature,
A beautiful face is shadowed under the thick tresses,
As if, the lustrous moon in the eclipse of darkness.
The ebullient dream dies before it finds it’s real shape,
And the lips stop, leaving behind the untold and unfinished lines.
The panic nestles in every mind for the great annihilation,
And the helpless lives are enveloped in horrifying holes,
When early eyes close forever in the grave of devastation.
The evil force proclaims its power absorbing all in intense way,
The fear of death knocks everyone putting all in lock and chain,
From elite to common, and destitute to royal in the same condition.
The world breaks the rules of divinity that was for humankind,
Being eulogized in the smoke of supremacy and enormity,
And all the lines of inhumanity are crossed with pride and vanity.
The greed and ego hold the command with all its inborn mates like violence and intolerance,
And the welfare of mankind is transformed to destruction of human race,
The caring of the sole provider is forgotten in the name of progression,
As the Mother Nature finds no escape from the eyes and minds of cruel human.
A beautiful garden once smiled in the hands of the Creator,
The best tree He planted with care was the Human being,
And gifted love as the sweetest fruit filling all His sweetness to get happiness,
But that vanished in the vices and voices of the evil force,
When the darkness wanes the sunshine and radiant night sky.
The hope and faith now assure the introspective mind to look inside,
The undying morality finds that precious fruit again to save humanity with kind and care,
Once again, good would triumph over evil of the present time,
Spreading the peace and happiness in every junction,
Which is the eternal truth of the divine projection.