Saturday, December 26, 2015

                   Those circular eyes --- by Rahul 
                    ( Lord JAGANNATH The Living God )
The wild whisper wind sings the song of divinity
The night sky opens its wonders of vastness
All the glowing brighter circles show their power of eternity
They wink and blink to guide in the endless journey of darkness
As if some luminous beings show the right path for humanity.
The mind becomes wider and deeper in the centre of calmness
More and more blazing circles appear on the orbit of immenseness
When thoughts come to a point of concentration
The awakening inner mind releases its unsolved imagination
About the creator of those countless energetic circles
Being the mightiest and amaranthine one.
The answer flashes on the screen of the inner soul
That the enchanting alluring circular eyes of Lord Jagannath
Which behold all such wondrous creation.
The mystical eyes enthrall the mind of all
And unveil the veil of impurity that was so tall
To realize in pure mind about the heavenly game
That all his creations are circular in their form
Which begin and end in those captivating eyes
For which endearingly called Chaka Nayan.(Circular Eyes)

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