Saturday, September 22, 2012

          For Your Eyes – by Rahul
Seeking you in my fervent eyes,
When the sun awakes from the warm bed of ocean,
And hides in the embrace of ocean,
All the time you are lamented in my mind,
As my eyes have embedded your eyes.
So alluring those eyes  of yours,
That captivate my heart in its spell,
As it forgets to work in its way,
To be enlivened in your appealing spark.
Like a flower spreads its charm in the wings of fragrance,
You are the source of scent of sweetness,
That fills the taste in my life.
Your enchanting inkling eyes,
Play many twinkling stars in my night sky,
When my string of mind becomes lustrous,
Being festooned in the treasuring pearls,
That fall from your incredible look .
Seeing you makes me exulted in joy,
To capture many smiling moons,
For embellishing my empty album.
You are the light of endless beauty,
Where my dark path always needs to be lit,
To complete the journey in the flight of bliss.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

---- FINAL REWARD ---- by Rahul

Bow my soul with the sprinkles of its fountain, 
Whatever crown bestowed on me, 
Being rewarded in the race of life, 
Or when flowers of my flower vessel, 
Become pale in the pass of time, 
Those were once the sign of win. 
As it is known the race goes on , 
And all the rewarding moments, 
With the glowing eyes of glory , 
Sleep in the dark night of past , 
But life goes on nourishing being fed with love. 
When the final whistle blows on, 
All the likable things stay back in its place, 
But the treasure of love accompanies with grace, 
That was once earned in that defined race. 

Monday, July 23, 2012


A commitment of the blooming bud,
At the end of journey that is well designed,
When that bud allows its body to mingle with earthy soil,
Free from all the worldly senses,
Leaving all the fame, name, kinds and dear ones,
To be greeted by his endearing hands.
End of time may come when it wants to come,
No matter how lengthy is it,
But with an immense heart of endless love,
To pass each moment with vivid and  vibrant way,
Making it so beautiful planting  a  smile in others lips,
Offering the sincere mind to the helpless beings,
And enjoying the path of journey in an ecstatic way.
Some taste may be bitter and some sweeter,
But inside it is always an ethereal joy.
A promise that is to be kept without fail,
The more the love for all,the more easier the path,
With the wings of beauty in enriching  fragrance.
It is true the bud blooms with unfading petals,
With the water of warmth and color of care,
As the love becomes the only company,
Loneliness dies in the hand of happiness,
Fear of living this world becomes the time of union,
As the blooming bud finds itself in the hands of divinity.

--THE MEETING TIME – by  Rahul

It is true, the time of meeting will come once,
As told at the time of coming to this world,
Have to cover the distance with a grace,
That is written in the book to trace.
Heard the voice of love in the virgin heart,
When the first light is about to burst,
The  childhood smile plays its charm,
Being the reason of untainted treasure,
Which is the only feature possessed with,
Making the journey happier to cover.
Tears will come to pierce the heart,
And tears will come to smile the heart,
But not to be broken in the blade of emotion,
As it makes to lose the original weapon.
The more feeble the hope inside,
Or more the hurdles of sorrows outside,
The stronger becomes the heart with inundated love,
Leaving its essence of smile each work it does.
Each moment is swollen with the particles of beauty,
With the flickering light of dancing stars,
And the embracing pearls of morning dews.
The time comes in its way for the final meeting,
When the closing eyes see no day and no night,
No ocean of thoughts soak the sleeping mind,
Nothing works to feel the attraction of endearing things.
The inside gate opens to meet somebody,
Like the onrushing stream nearing the ocean,
And a foundling gets back its own one,
The eyes of soul open with a flying feeling,
As the meeting ends with the nectar feeding ,
With the divine peace and heavenly joy.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

-The Charm Of Beauty – by Rahul

The mystical mist floats being adorned in the silver attire across the valley of roses and a golden chariot moves forward gliding on the wings of the mist where thrones a starlit starlet of astounding beauty to spread its magical charm on the desert land of loneliness. Looking to you in stare takes me to that dreamy ambiance where I am completely dipped to gather the ornaments of joy in my empty heart.  

-YOUR PRESENCE -           by Rahul
Where I come now in the path of life,
See everywhere the waves of joy.
Your agile eyes show me the sign of eternity,
As because of taking your name in my lips.
Let me touched by your creative caring fingers,
When canvas of my mind gets the brush of embrace,
To draw the  portrait of your entrancing image,
That reflects everywhere in the mirror of soul,
To conquer the quivering loneliness,
Wading in the storm of sorrows in the endless ocean,
When your presence is felt in your physical  absence.