Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Never-ending Flow by Rahul

Oh journey! Let your steps go as you wish,

I enjoy every bit of life’s path,

Making it embellished in blooming roses,

As her smiling face blinks in my mind.

Oh pain! Let your thorns pierce me as you want,

I find my heart filled with emerald charms,

Being sparkled with that eternal force,

As her drops of beauty spread in my thoughts.

Oh time ! Let your mouth engulf me as you decide,

I grow the sprouting seeds of warmth in my soil,

Being drenched in the showering rays,

As her gleaming eyes lit my gloomy sky.

Oh death! Let your hands take me away as you plan,

I cross the road of fear in my wings of faith,

When the eternal spring of love flows in my soul,

As her name is uttered in my pulsating lips.

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